Thursday 22 May 2014

A long overdue update

Its been busy busy busy over the last few weeks and we've only just calmed down,  so its time to update you all.
Firstly, we've completed two BCS CEEDA assessments, one in the US, actually Austin in Texas, where one of our existing clients has built a state of the art energy efficient data centre in a colocation facility.
The build has really opened the eyes of the landlord and we hope that some of the technology will be cascaded down into their own new facilities.
I was very impressed with the overall baseline energy efficiency and the willingness of our client to really push the boat out.
For the techies out there, the facility has a PUE of 1.2 which compared to the normal PUE of 2+ for colocation facilities in the US is very very good.
The other CEEDA assessment was in the UK.
Its getting very busy in this area as we have some new and re-assessments lined up in this part of our business and we'll let you know all about them once they've been completed.

We've also been invited to participate in an Horizon2020 EU Funding call, cant say much about it at the present as its still in preparation but once the proposal has been submitted we'll let you know.

We've also been invited to speak at the BICSI UK conference on the 3rd June in Birmingham UK, more details here, the topic will be the impending regulatory landscape for data centres in the UK and EU.
We've been given the morning opening slot to wake everybody up!

The next day will be the 3rd BCS Green IT 2014 webinar on "Sustainable Supply Chains" hosted on the brighttalk platform more details and registration here

Our MD also contributed to another webinar on certification in the data centre more details here
This is a very important and underrated area that data centre operators of all shapes and sizes will need to be aware of, so if you have any questions or would like some further assistance in this area please contact us on our normal numbers or social media channels.

We've been invited to celebrate the launch of the 2nd Green Mountain Data Centre in Norway on the 5th, this is a private event but if you're a follower of Carbon3IT Ltd and have also been invited we'll see you there!

We were invited to the DCS Awards last week by one of our potential partners so thank you for that!

On matters relating to overseas, we have just put forward a proposal to conduct some more Green IT and Energy Efficient data centres training to our friends on Mauritius and that is scheduled to take place sometime in June or July (no details yet) but as soon as we do have them we'll let all our Mauritian friends know.

All in all, things are looking good for us as a business on account of a few interesting regulatory schemes that are impending, the first is the Climate Change Agreement for Data Centres, which is imminent.

The second is the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) which is in effect the requirement of organisations over a certain size to perform MANDATORY energy audits from April 2015 and then every 4 years (more details to be released by DECC on the 3rd June)

The third, and probably the most important from a data centre perspective is the will of DG Connect (the arm of the European Commission responsible for the digital agenda across the EU) to impose some sort of energy efficiency legislation onto the sector. We'll be keeping abreast of this situation through our connections and as always keep you up to date.

Until next time, enjoy the summer and Football World Cup (good luck to England!)

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