Friday 14 June 2013

The Mauritian EUCOC workshop was...

held on the 9th May at the Domaine Les Paillies, Mauritius, some photos of the event can be found on our facebook page to an invited selection of Government of Mauritius employees in Ministries and para-statal bodies.
Firstly I explained the background to the code using climate change and energy issues and then what the code was, who it was for etc.
Later I covered the actual best practices in detail and how organisations could become endorsers and participants to the code.
I was even interviewed on Mauritius TV, and spoke to two journalists about the EUCOC and how data centres can address the problem of climate change, by enablement of systems to monitor and mitigate, and through the use of energy efficient data centres.
Over 100 delegates heard me speak and many of them were attendees on the courses run later in the trip.

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