Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Smart Metering Data Centres

I note that IBM annouced a tie up with C&W for an assault on the Government's smart metering programme.
The Government has announced that it wants all domestic electricity supply meters to be "smart" by 2020.

This means that in effect, every home will need a new broadband connection, smart metering equipment will be installed and linked to the broadband, energy data will then be routed to a data centre (probably a cloud type solution).
Cost estimates for the project are reputed to be in the billions.

Personally, I think the large companies will try and persuade the Government to adopt a very expensive option, no doubt to try and recoup some of the money and contracts lost by the move to the G-Cloud and the use of open source software, its not going to work!

Carbon3IT will be looking at some alternative options and as always this blog will be the first place to look at.

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