Friday 28 January 2011

This Week

We have been very busy this week.

On Tuesday we met with a large local authority to discuss the implementation of the Greentrac PC power monitoring tool to their rather large estate, some 22, 000 devices and 66,000 users, we have estimated that by using Greentrac the authority could save between £1.6 - £2 Million pounds in energy savings over a three year period, and the payback time would be less than 6 months WIN WIN.
On Thursday we went to the IDL at the University of Warwick for their "Digital Goodlife" event, this is basically a series of talks on how SME's can run their businesses online for FREE!
We met with some great people who really do have their eye on emerging technologies and we hope to have some news regarding a joint event with them this space.
We also had news of a successful bid for some energy monitoring equipment and will provide details once this has been finalised.
I've also got a new android phone, so please bear with me as I have yet to get to gribs with its features and functionality, I can just about make a phone, so please bear with me if you need to ring me as this technology stuff can be a bit daunting! I jest of course, but I do have some configuration to do like transferring my address book and downloading some applications.
Next week we will be listening to a few webinars and attending an SME energy efficiency event in Nuneaton, we also hope to make another visit to the IDL to discuss a very exciting project
On a personal note, the daughter will be going to the Tamworth snowdome for a school friends birthday party and the mighty Gabe (my sister in law) is having her 40th Birthday Party, special cupcakes are being procured this afternoon and the event will have a live band and the entire extended family will be in Birmingham this weekend, its a right gathering of the clan.
Have a good weekend.

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