Monday 24 May 2010

IT Energy Baselining

Are you planning a Green or Sustainable IT strategy for your organisation?

What framework will you follow?

Here at Carbon3IT we recommend that your first action should be to baseline your current IT estate, this means to calculate the total number of devices present in your system and then determine the total energy consumed, and hence carbon emissions.

Whats that? you dont know where to start!

Well, Carbon3IT Ltd are VAR's for two energy monitoring/management products and are hoping to add a third in the near future.
Why do we carry two different systems and potentially a third?

A very good question and the reason is that one system calculates actual energy consumed on a device via the use of a "smart socket" this looks like a normal 6 socket extension lead, thus allowing the monitor, printer, speakers etc to be monitored as well, but it has a little secret device tucked away inside it that transmits the actual energy consumption data to a wireless ethernet zone controller that anyone with the appropriate security credentials can access from their own or any other pc in the network. The internet/intranet portal displays energy and carbon information that can be used to produce your CRC reports and provide information on energy use to your facilities manager/IT manager or management team.

However, we feel that the disruption that can be caused by unplugging all your IT devices to connect the smart sockets is really only warranted on SME IT systems or for trial energy monitoring sites not for companies that have more than 250 PC'S.

Thus we have a option for bigger customers or organisations that have more than one site that they need to monitor, hence our other product.

The second product we carry is a software based product that can be scaled globally to include all pc's in your organisation across the world. An agent is rolled out to a select number of PC's for trial purposes via your usual software installation method (via a .msi file, and with any systems management tool in the market) and the data is calculated using a specific algorithm that is tweaked and honed periodically to include real data gathered from real measurements. This data is then updated to a central server database at set intervals (configurable) where is can be read once again with anyone with the appropriate access rights, the beauty of this product is that it integrates with Active Directory and you can configure power policies and profiles to any pc in the organisation in order to manage your IT estate.

Out potential third product is another software based agent/server solution, we'll keep you updated as to when it becomes available in our product portfolio.

Carbon3IT believe that you cannot manage what you cant measure and we provide the tools for you to measure your IT Energy so that you can manage it.

Pricing is very competitive and the TCO and ROI for both these products is small, in fact both products will pay for themselves in the first year of use, and you will also continue to acrue the savings in subsequent years.
We also provide a try now pay later option on both products, we effectively are paid with your energy savings in the first year.

Contact us on for more information

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