Sunday 12 June 2011

Big Week

Got a few things on this week.
Tomorrow, its a meet with a business coach.
Tuesday, its the BCS Coventry Branch ICT for education event, at which we'll be demonstrating nearly all of our product suite. more details and booking details can be found on this link.
Wednesday, and its London for a meeting, this is actually going to be very exciting but I cant let anyone know whats going on yet!
Thursday, and I have another meeting, again could be very good.
Friday, I'll be thinking about next week and planning.

Last Week.
Wednesday I was at Coventry University for a BCS Planning meeting, keep an eye on the BCS Coventry website for the updated calendar, we're scheduled in for a Green IT talk to the members in September.
I also sorted out some new business cards with a local business stiff white card based in a mill in Hatton.

Thursday, I was up bright and early for a trip to Bristol for the DataCentre Dynamics event, this was excellent. Robert Tozer gave us a masterclass in cooling systems for data centres, next up Michael Rudgyard of concurent thinking telling us about the links between facilities and IT within Data Centre environments, this is the future of Data Centre efficency management and we're pleased to be meeting Michael in a few weeks to sign a MoU for us to champion Concurrent Command and Control, a product that provides up to 20% additional savings in this space more info on this link
Lastly, was a chap who is a data centre strategy consultant.
I met up with a few friends and strangers who became friends (to paraphase an Irish proverb!)

Friday, I was at the Wolverhampton Wanderers ground for a breakfast meeting, this was do to with the ERDF bid, that's the European Reconstruction Development Fund.
Later, I was at a Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce networking event.

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