Tuesday 14 January 2014

Our TIF event...

will be held at the Rural Innovation Centre on Stoneleigh Park, on the 5th February from 9:30am - 12:30pm.

The full press release can be found below


Technology and Innovation Futures Funding

What does information technology have to do with your energy costs?

Trying to keep the energy costs under control?  Have you looked at information technology?

Figures claim 10% of global energy use is down to information technology¹ with the rising cost of energy this is just not sustainable in the long term.
Everything we do these days is down to information technology, from processing orders, to running machines, to social media and phone systems. 
The EU and the UK Government have got their eye on the energy that information technology is using and the carbon that is emitted and they are coming out with a range of controls (and big fines) to manage that in the near future.

Carbon³IT specialises in energy efficient IT and in implementing solutions that cost your organisation less money in the long run.  In conjunction with Coventry University Enterprises and the EU we are able to offer up to 50% funding for consultancy around being more energy efficient with your information and other technologies and making sure that it is working for you and your business.

Carbon³IT are holding an event at the Rural Innovation Centre on Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth on Wednesday 5th February from 9:30am to 12:30pm where participants can discover what being energy efficient with technology actually means (beyond switching the PC off overnight!) and how much, making the right decisions can save them in the long run.

Tickets are available through Eventbrite.  The cost of the session is £25 but if participants sign up for Carbon³IT GreenPrint product (with or without TIF funding) they will refund this amount.

Visit Carbon³IT's website www.carbon3it.com for more information about this event

1 “The Cloud begins with Coal”, Mark P Mills, August 2013  "

Booking Link: TIF Event 5th February

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