Thursday 22 August 2013

Quarter 4 Speaking Enagagements - *Update*

Well, its conference season again, not that it ever seems to end and we have been invited to speak at a number of events, so we thought we'd list them here, plus some events we'll be attending in quarter 4 2013.

Campus Party O2 Arena, London

We've got a weekly pass to this event where we have noted that there is a "cleantech" and green IT section so we're going for a nosy, for more info and tickets please refer to this link Campus Party

Due to the cancellation of the FTIE (Future Tech Information Exchange) on the 10th September, we will now attend the full sessions of the Energy Show at the NEC, Birmingham on the 10th/11th, more info

We were thinking of attending the ITU Green IT event in Madrid, more info here ITU Green IT Week but I have booked a training course for these dates, this means unfortunately that I will be unable to attend the Datacentre.Me networking event in London on the 19th, this is now full.

Then, in October we're off to the Green Grid EMEA event in Brussels on the 15th and 16th.

On the 29th October, we'll be proposing that "A Digital Britain, is a Greener Britain" at the BCS Green IT SG AGM and Debate, up against Dr Ian Bitterlin who will be opposing. This should be a very interesting debate and I would recommend that all our blog followers tune in to see the fireworks. More details on the booking and webinar (if we do it) will be posted via our usual channels.

 We're thinking of attending the Data Centres Ireland event on the 5th and 6th November where we hope to be speaking (still need to put our application in) and this will be similar to the VMUG event in September (cancelled) and with the same topics, EUCOC and BCS CEEDA.

The week after we'll be speaking at the Telco Energy and Infrastructure event at Sixfields, more information on this link

We have a webinar we'll be panel member on the 14th, again more details when we get them.

Finally, from the 20th - 24th we hope to be in Mauritius speaking at and exhibiting at INFOTECH2013, this will be confirmed shortly, we'll probably be in Mauritius until the 20th December if all our plans come to fruition.

Until next time we leave you with one thought, we go to these events to build our knowledge and experience on Green IT and energy efficiency in data centres plus allied subjects, we know that you can't visit them all so why not take advantage of our willingness, and engage us to help you with your Green IT or Data Centre efficiency project.

You know where to find us:
@Carbon3IT on Twitter

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