Friday 15 June 2012


Well, it has been sometime since our last update so here goes:

CEEDA, we've completed another 2 CEEDA assessments in the past few weeks, as the reports have yet to be submitted we cannot comment on these at the present time but further information will be available on our website when it is released.

We've also got another 4 CEEDA's scheduled for July and August

And talking of websites, we're undertaking a refresh project and this is scheduled to be released sometime in September, we've got our team looking at new technologies and we're convinced that  the entire website will have a brand new look and provide even more information on Green IT and our activities.

We're also planning an event to take place in the Midlands on the 22nd November 2012, futher information and details will be available on the new updated website soon.
We'll also be building a new website just for this event, so watch this space, but our twitter feed will be the best place to get advanced information, details of the speakers, exhibition stands and registration details on the event.
We're very exciting about this event, but as with all external events it takes time to organise so bear with us, we working very hard on this.

We've completed our Greentrac trial at our school and we'll be reporting back to the project sponsor next week, where we hope to expand the trial to more schools in the area, so again watch this space for an update.

We've been a number of events recently, notably the Data Centre Alliance, and various EU CoC updates.

We'd like to tell you more about some of our other activities, but these are at early stages of engagement and as such we can't really talk about them.....yet

Finally, we enjoyed the Jubilee festivities although the weather was horrid, but we're looking forward to the England game tonight at Euro 2012 and of course a little matter of the Olympic Games in less than 45 days.

So, we're very busy at the present time but we hope to be a little more regular in our updates on the blog, but the realy important news will always go out via twitter, so if you're not following us, you really should.
we use two twitter accounts @carbon3it and @greenit_carbon3.

Until next time, enjoy.

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