Sunday 8 May 2011

Green IT Trial Stuff

What is Green IT?
Many organisations ask this question and then fail to understand the value of the concept.
So what is Green IT?
Green or more importantly Sustainable IT is a multitude of different inititatives that come together to reduce costs. Yes, it is a simple as that, Green IT is a cost saver.
Green IT saves you money!
So how does Sustainable IT save you money?

1. Reduces Waste
2. Adds Value to your Corprorate Social Responsibilty statement by providing PROOF.
3. Attracts Customers
4. Positions your organisation at the forefront of New Business

Green IT involves People, Processes and Technology.

Lets look at reducing waste, the easy win here is to install a PC power monitoring and management system, there are 37 different products on the market all of which will reduce energy consumption, the costs of the system will normally be recovered in the first year of use, thus allowing for continuing savings in subsequent years. Most systems can save up to 30% on desktop energy costs.
Carbon3IT are offering a free trial of the Greentrac PC Power monitoring and management software package, Greentrac is a very powerful product and further details can be found onthe link below.
If you have a data centre in your organisation, Carbon3IT can supply a Data Centre efficiency tool, this is in beta at present and we are looking for a partner to install the system within their data centre to allow us to fine tune the product, this will be totally free and projections indicate that a 20% saving is possible.
Both these products can link into to your website to show your customers what, where and how much you are saving.

People & Processes
We also are in discussions with another company that provides a system to reduce waste in your processes.
We cant say much about this at the moment, but more details can be provided on request.

So, if your organisation is looking to move down the sustainable IT road and are not sure where to start, take advantage of our free trials and our sustainable IT consulting services to begin your journey, we look forward to guiding you.


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