Monday 27 February 2017

February Update

We did promise a 2016 review in January but we've been so busy we haven't had the chance to put pen to paper, so heres our February Update and where possible we'll include references back to the 2016 stuff.

The EURECA project continues and has reached a number of milestones, the first was the release of the beta version of the tool, and a complete suite of changes to the traininig programme,  both of these can be found on this link, registration is required.
We were all in Paris for Data Centre World where we provided some content and conducted some of the training.
 The project is due to be completed by September 2017 and we'll be organising a number of workshops in, Stockholm, Barcelona and Brussels. Please visit the project website for more information.

We're working with a data centre owner in the West Midlands on a complete suite of ISO standards as specified by the EURECA project, this includes 9001/14001/22301/27001 & 50001, which are Quality, Environmental, Business Continuity, Information Security and Energy Management Systems as well as an EUCOC application.

Our work with the Data Centre Alliance continues with our chairing of the DCA energy efficiency steering group and providing support to the executive team.
The next DCA event is the day before Data Centre World and will take place at the same venue, London's Excel arena. More information and registration can be found on this DCA Industry Update - 14th March 2017
This meeting takes place the day before the DCW event so that delegates can attend both events without incurring additional costs.

I'll be attending DCW and will be on or around the DCA stand.

Our Sustainability for London (SFL) project, more info launched on the 25th October 2016.
The launch event took place as a part of the BCS Green IT SG AGM, 
SFL was developed to meet the Mayor of London's energy and carbon targets and provides specific asistance to London based organisations and more importantly the use of ICT systems, datacentres, networks and user devices, based upon 5 pillars, for more information please visit the SFL website here

On that note, it had been a relatively quiet year for the BCS Green IT SG but we have been working on our SFL project, but now that SFL is launched our focus will return to BAU after the AGM and we look forward to developing a full programme of events with the committee for the rest of 2016 and 2017.

We will be visiting Amsterdam in early April to meet up with our EU GREEN IT Consortium, Green IT Amsterdam, Swiss Informatics Society and AGIT (France), we'll report back on this initative in our next update.

We attended the EU-JRC Ispra complex in Italy in mid November as part of an expert panel created to evaluate and discuss the impending EMAS for the ICT sector.

We have a number of irons in the fire for future projects, the first was launched at DC North event in Manchester on the 15th February.

The National Data Centre Academy  (NDCA) is a practical training centre, available for commercial training companies for the delivery of their curent and perhaps future courses, data centre supply chain companies to use for product launches, technical updates and in house training and for research projects. Information on the NDCA can be found on our linked in page NDCA Linked In page and on our website here
Please get in touch for more information, booking, and pricing.

We're also involved with the DCA in a new EU project that will commence in Jan 2017, this project will be using the NDCA as a test bed for a new innovative cooling system.

Our project in partnership with the DCA with Central Government has been put on hold pending further discussions and clarity from BREXIT negotations.

BREXIT Update: Still too early to tell, but the signs are not good, we've seen increased activity in Europe on data centre activity, with new cables by-passing the UK and an increase in announced new data centre projects across the EU. UK Government seems intent on pushing through with the BREXIT legislation with minimal input from the 16 Million that voted to stay and saner voices across the House of Lords and other respected institutions, which in our opinion does not provide any clarity as to future plans or proposals, the recent green paper on Industrial Strategy negated to provide any details on the future of data centres in the UK.

We'll be in attendance at the following events in the next 2 months:

DCW London Excel 15th/16th March
EURECA Stockholm 20-24th March

Next Update - April 17

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