Saturday 16 April 2016

Data Centre World and April Update

Firstly, an apology is in order, we created an April Fool post based upon the EUCOC becoming mandatory in April 2017 and this was published on the 9th April due to a scheduling error.
We had some feedback, but we thought that our spokesman Mr Alfred Phool would have been sufficient to alert readers, it seems not.

We spent the last week in London, firstly at the UEL to attend a few DCA meetings, namely the Certification steering committee, the Energy Efficiency committee and finally the Board of Governors meeting, this was followed later in the evening by a EURECA project meeting and dinner.

Thanks to Steve and Kelly of the DCA for letting me stay at their apartment opposite the Excel Arena on the Monday/Tuesday. This in return for helping out with the stand layout and for helping out on both days of the event Data Centre World.

I've been to a few events and we like this one! There are few occasions in the year when the industry can get together and chew the cud, but this is most definately one of the best.

If you've not been, this event takes over 3 halls at the Excel Arena London and includes Cloud and IoT expo's, always worth a visit and best of all its free to attend.

One of the highlights this year was the construction of a fully working "green data centre" built by one of our partners with assistance from many of the supply chain.

Our MD was interviewed by Brighttalk on a host of topics ranging from future trends in the data centre to green data centres and we'll post the video once its been published.(perhaps!)

Ok, so whats on the agenda for the next couple of weeks?

Next week the MD is out in London for a "market warming" event, we're not quite sure what this will entail but the end client is a potential EURECA client so, watch this space.
The following day is a BSI meeting, lots to discuss at that one.
Provisionally booked for the next day is a CEEDA update meeting with the delivery partner.
One the following day there is a SFL meeting, then its back to the office to catch up with outstanding actions arising from the days out.

The following week, we start a standards project with a new client in the Midlands, this client is taking over a new site and we'll be providing a full management systems suite, including all of the EURECA projects Magnificent 7 listing. We've also got something else in preparation for them, and we'll be reporting on this in future posts.

We're also attending a SMART TO FUTURE Cities event on the Tuesday/Wednesday prior to our flight to Austin Texas to conduct a CEEDA assessment.

When we return we have a quick visit and then its off to Scotland for a few days, closely followed by a quick trip to Dublin, these are both EURECA project trips.

If you're wondering what we're doing this weekend, well we're finalising our proposal for Project Spagetti, reviewing lots of EUCOC applications for the DataCloud Congress award on June 7th and some new applications.

Well thats it for now, we'll be updating later in May after all our travels.

Until, next energy efficient

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