Tuesday 17 June 2014

June Update

Well, the sun has come out at last in the UK, although we understand that this is going to be a temporary state, still at least we have the World Cup to watch and comment upon, even if England didn't do well in their opening match losing 2-1 to Italy.

So, further to our last update we had a very interesting June so far, firstly we completed the first BCS CEEDA report for the facility in Austin Texas, and also prepared the second report for a facility in the UK.
More CEEDA assessments are lined up in the coming months, if you'd like your facility to be assessed please contact us on the numbers above or via our social media feeds and we'll put you in touch with the right person.

We spent a couple of days down at the University of East London with the other members of the EU Horizon 2020 consortium preparing the bid document, lots of fun, deep discussions and writing ensued and the bid has now been submitted.
We await the pleasure of the EU commission team and hope to find out whether the project has funding by the end of the year.
We're also in the process of developing another funding proposal for another data centre related project, more details on that one in our next blog or perhaps the one after.

The BICSI conference speech went well and although this was a cabling crowd, there were some interesting questions from the audience regarding energy efficiency in the data centre.

I was sadly unable to take part in the 3rd BCS Green IT webinar due to a very dodgy internet connection, but by all accounts it went very well and actually overran, we hope to hold a special live round table event on Sustainable Supply Chains in the near future. As always we 'll let you know about it via our social media feeds and other relevant websites.

As always, certification in the data centre is a varied thing, but I attended the DCA certifications event last week, the certification itself is a full assessment of tier, security, energy efficiency and operational excellence and further details on the certification can be found on the DCA website here

We're not involved in assessing the data centres at any part of the process.

Progress on the energy efficiency schemes detailed in our last blog post have yet to be officially released although I do have a meeting scheduled with two of the parties involved with the delivery of the schemes and will report on our progress in future blogs.

As to our next trip overseas, discussions are progressing well with some training courses on Mauritius and hopefully we'll be able to update you all in our next blog, which may be composed whilst on the island!

Whats next, well we have a meeting arranged with ICEOTOPE to formalise our relationship this week and a meeting with some new potential partners next week as well as a BSI training course.
The week after is free except for a datacentre.me networking event which is always a good well run event.

The week after is the DCA Data Centre Transformation Convention in Manchester, further details can be found here. We've put our hands in our pockets and scraped together enough cash for the dinner on the 8th, so if you're already going, come and say hello.

As you can all tell, its been busy and its getting busier, but dont let that put you off from engaging with our services, just drop us an email or tweet us and we'll be back to you asap.

Our services include:

EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) Application Preparation
Pre BCS CEEDA assessments
Green IT Strategy and Action Plans
Data Centre Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plans
Green IT and Energy Efficiency in Data Centres training

We look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time......

1 comment:

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