Sunday 3 March 2013

Data Centre World & EUCOC Workshops

Just recovering from the excellent "Data Centre World" event at the London Excel Arena.
It was great to catch up with old friends and to make some new ones, thanks for the beers people.

Anyway, it was good to see so many people interested the EUCOC and I'm sure that I saw more EU logos than last year anyway, but to all those that asked for and should by now have received some additional information, please get your application in.

Due to the kindness of the venue owner(s), we have been able to reduce the price of the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres participation application workshops, more details here
 And on that note, I have had two companies report to me that they feel that the code of conduct is to become mandatory in the future, so it may be prudent to go on the course to get a heads up.

As some of you maybe aware I have been invited to lead some Green IT and Data Centre training courses in Mauritius commencing in May, so I shall be busy over the next few weeks creating and amending content for the programme and flying off just after my birthday for approximately 8 weeks, although I may stay for a little longer. Well, it would be rude to fly all that way and not take the family for a holiday!

So, I expect that as of May, we'll be finding out more about the wonderful South Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius, how they are addressing climate change and energy efficiency especially in the data centre sector and I look forward to telling you all about it.

I shall be attending a few events in London next week, these are the BCS DCSG event at BCS London Office on Wednesday 6th March, Dr Ian Bitterlin will be telling us why the internet and thus data centres are unsustainable in the present form and after a short networking break there will be a "meet the committee" where you can ask us about whatever data centre topic you wish.
The event starts at 6pm and booking is required, please email for more information, check the BCS Events page or the Linked In group Linked In

Until next time..

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