Monday, 21 February 2011

Growing Green in Birmingham Planning

As we've previously posted, we're off to Edgabaston Cricket Ground on Wednesday 23rd February 2011 between 9.30am to 4pm to attend the "Growing Green in Birmingham", you'll need to register to gain access to the events page.

We're on stand 29. We'll be demonstrating our portfolio of Green IT Products:

The Very PC Ltd "Broadleaf" PC.
Very PC Ltd provide one of the most environmentally friendly technology products in the world today, everything is offset, the carbon the machine uses over its lifecycle is offset by CDM's, The packaging is designed to be recycled and manufactured using sustainably sourced materials,
The PC is a triumph of energy efficiency, measured on the 21st February using the equipment listed below, this PC had a idle energy consumption of 19.81 watts (the average PC will use 120w), check for yourselves on Wednesday.

The Enistic Energy Monitoring System, a system of zigbee connected smart meter sockets and clamps connected to smart zone controllers to accrurately record energy consumption on a local, floor, building, or enterprise basis, giving you the ability to focus your energy saving efforts on the systems that use the most energy and this provide the best return on CAPITAL via a short ROI.
Pricing on these products is very competitive by our very good commercial realtionship with Enistic Ltd.

We'll have the Greentrac User Agent running on a laptop and can demonstrate the following components:

· Greentrac Compliance - Straightforward yet sophisticated reporting that shows actual energy use
and provides real-time feedback on energy use across an entire network, plus equivalent carbon
emissions, wasted energy (even subdivided by time-of-day when variable rates and energy
surcharges can add up) and much more. Greentrac reporting has shown customers how to develop
power management plans that have decreased cost by over 30%!
· Greentrac Incite - Our engaging user-awareness programs that not only educate users on their
power consumption, but also encourage and reward them for doing something as simple as
shutting off their PC’s when not in use.
· Greentrac Kickstart – A handy application that works with smart phones and even building security
systems to allow users to manage their PC power needs and energy usage from anywhere while also
minimizing employee downtime by powering up workstations at the right time—when users are at
or near their computers. Greentrac Kickstart overcomes the main reason users don’t power down:
the wait while computers restart.
· Greentrac PC Power Management Suite (PPMS) – The complete set of Greentrac tools licensed in
one convenient bundle. Greentrac PPMS helps companies lower their energy consumption and
reduce carbon emissions by managing and monitoring the power used by computers, printers and
technology assets and by motivating people to do what’s right: turn their computers off when not in
use. Greentrac PPMS is built on the idea that people have the potential to save far more energy
than automated software, and our energy saving software provides the motivation and the platform
for your staff to do so.

Source: Greentrac in One Page

We'll also tell you about our range of Green IT Consultancy services:


1. Survey, this is where we'll come in for £500+ VAT and conduct a initial survey of your IT readiness for "GO GREEN IT" programme for your organisation.
2. Audit, we'll install your selected energy monitoring systems and configure the software for your use, this takes approximately 8 days for the Greentrac option, 3 days to plan, design, and deploy the system agents, and 5 one days analysis over the period of one year. With the Enistic energy monitoring components we will work with your electrician to design, plan and install the system and project manage the installation to fit in with your operating procedures. This service is priced at £2000, plus the cost of the energy auditing equpment.
3. Analysis, we allow 5 days over the year following the installation to review collected data and write a short report on some outline energy saving activities relating to your IT estate.

Data Centres

Pre - Ceeda/EU CoC Report Service

We are working with the BCS DCSG to provide audits of Data Centres for CEEDA compliance, however we can provide a readiness report for compliance with the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency)

We hope to see you on Wednesday in Birmingham at the event, but if there if you can't attend, and still want some information, please visit our website or email us at

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