Friday 22 October 2010

Carbon3IT Ltd Update - Changes to CRC EES

The Government has announced that the CRC is to be radically changed.

However, apart from letting us all know that there will no longer be the reward kickback (additional monies over and above the £12/per tonne carbon payment to be returned if the company implement energy savings and thus reduce energy consumption) there is little detail.

Carbon3IT Ltd believe that the CRC was overly complex anyway and that simplifying it is the first step in the right direction.
We had felt that rewarding those who have taken the initiative to implement and reduce energy consumption and penalising those that may have intensive and complex energy needs was always going to be subjective, difficult to implement and unwieldy in terms of administration.

Now, the CRC is a pure carbon tax, and I dont know why some commentators feel that it has been implemented by stealth (it was always going to be a carbon tax!) organisations will still need to implement energy monitoring equipment and not rely on possibly in accurate meter readings/bills.

This where Carbon3IT Ltd can help, we can provide energy monitoring software and hardware at a value for money price, our 100 point monitoring system including it equipment monitoring can provide full and total energy monitoring and control for SME's and branch networks from less than £10,000, the system will pay for itself within 1 year (provided the results and recommendations are acted upon) and continue to accrue savings in subsequent years.

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